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- Presidential Grave List
- 1) George Washington*
- 2) John Adams*
- 3) Thomas Jefferson*
- 4) James Madison*
- 5) James Monroe*
- 6) John Quincy Adams*
- 7) Andrew Jackson
- 8) Martin Van Buren*
- 9) William Henry Harrison
- 10) John Tyler*
- 11) James K. Polk
- 12) Zachary Taylor
- 13) Millard Fillmore*
- 14) Franklin Pierce*
- 15) James Buchanan*
- 16) Abraham Lincoln
- 17) Andrew Johnson
- 18) Ulysses S. Grant*
- 19) Rutherford B. Hayes
- 20) James A. Garfield
- 21) Chester A. Arthur*
- 22) Grover Cleveland*
- 23) Benjamin Harrison
- 24) Grover Cleveland*
- 25) William McKinley
- 26) Theodore Roosevelt*
- 27) William Howard Taft*
- 28) Woodrow Wilson*
- 29) Warren G. Harding
- 30) Calvin Coolidge*
- 31) Herbert Hoover
- 32) Franklin D. Roosevelt*
- 33) Harry S. Truman
- 34) Dwight D. Eisenhower
- 35) John F. Kennedy*
- 36) Lyndon B. Johnson
- 37) Richard M. Nixon*
- 38) Gerald R. Ford
- 39) Jimmy Carter
- 40) Ronald Reagan*
- 41) George Bush
- 42) Bill Clinton
- 43) George W. Bush
- 44) Barack Obama
- 45) Donald Trump
- 46) Joe Biden
- 47) Donald Trump
- Other Historical People
Calvin Coolidge
30th President
1 term
Became President when Harding died
Helped to restore honesty to the government
Believed the government should not interfere with private business
Restored relations with Mexico
"Silent Cal" was a cunning man of few words. Once, at a dinner, a woman bet him she could get him to speak more than two words, and he simply replied, "You lose."
President Calvin Coolidge State Historic Site
Visitor Center: Plymouth Notch, VT
Wilder Horse Barn: Plymouth Notch, VT
Wilder Barn: Plymouth Notch, VT
Wilder House: Plymouth Notch, VT
Homestead: Plymouth Notch, VT
Cheese Factory: Plymouth Notch, VT
School: Plymouth Notch, VT
Azro Johnson Farm: Plymouth Notch, VT
Coolidge Farm Shop: Plymouth Notch, VT
Carrie Brown Coolidge Garden: Plymouth Notch, VT
Union Christian Church: Plymouth Notch, VT
Birthplace: Plymouth Notch, VT
General Store: Plymouth Notch, VT
"Summer White House": Plymouth Notch, VT
Plymouth Post Office: Plymouth Notch, VT
Aldrich House: Plymouth Notch, VT
Cabins: Plymouth Notch, VT
Brown Farmhouse: Plymouth Notch, VT
Home: Northampton, MA
The Story
Library and Museum: Northampton, MA
The Story
After visiting those, we headed to Northampton, Massachucetts to visit the Coolidge Library, as well as the homes he lived in in Northampton. His Presidential Library is actually located inside of Forbes Library in a special room.
Bust of President Coolidge
Chair used by President Coolidge
Union Station Restaurant
The Story
Grave: Plymouth Notch, VT
My story
2 days after the major trip through New York state, we decided to see Calvin Coolidge's grave in Vermont. Our original plan was to visit it after my math final exam on June 13th, but the exam took longer than expected, and it was delayed until June 20th. This trip was probably the least memorable, due to the fact that there were no major relics or a museum that would catch my memory. The cemetery was very quiet, and had many older headstones. His grave looked as if it had been replaced only a few years earlier.
Me standing at Calvin Coolidge's Headstone