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- Presidential Grave List
- 1) George Washington*
- 2) John Adams*
- 3) Thomas Jefferson*
- 4) James Madison*
- 5) James Monroe*
- 6) John Quincy Adams*
- 7) Andrew Jackson
- 8) Martin Van Buren*
- 9) William Henry Harrison
- 10) John Tyler*
- 11) James K. Polk
- 12) Zachary Taylor
- 13) Millard Fillmore*
- 14) Franklin Pierce*
- 15) James Buchanan*
- 16) Abraham Lincoln
- 17) Andrew Johnson
- 18) Ulysses S. Grant*
- 19) Rutherford B. Hayes
- 20) James A. Garfield
- 21) Chester A. Arthur*
- 22) Grover Cleveland*
- 23) Benjamin Harrison
- 24) Grover Cleveland*
- 25) William McKinley
- 26) Theodore Roosevelt*
- 27) William Howard Taft*
- 28) Woodrow Wilson*
- 29) Warren G. Harding
- 30) Calvin Coolidge*
- 31) Herbert Hoover
- 32) Franklin D. Roosevelt*
- 33) Harry S. Truman
- 34) Dwight D. Eisenhower
- 35) John F. Kennedy*
- 36) Lyndon B. Johnson
- 37) Richard M. Nixon*
- 38) Gerald R. Ford
- 39) Jimmy Carter
- 40) Ronald Reagan*
- 41) George Bush
- 42) Bill Clinton
- 43) George W. Bush
- 44) Barack Obama
- 45) Donald Trump
- 46) Joe Biden
- 47) Donald Trump
- Other Historical People
Herbert Hoover
31st President
1 term
The Great Deppression took place during his Presidency
Tried to get laws passed that helped farmers, the unemployed, and businesses
One of the oldest Presidents in history at the time of his death (90). Only Ford (93), Reagan (93), Bush (94), and Jimmy Carter were older.
Birthplace: West Branch, IA
Herbert was born here on August 10th, 1874. In 1879, Jesse Hoover decided to move to a home 1 block south. This home was demolished, but a plaque is on the site.
Friends Meetinghouse and Schoolhouse: West Branch, IA
Herbert Hoover worshipped here.
Friends Schoolhouse: West Branch, IA
Herbert Hoover went to school here. Portraits of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln hang on the walls.
Blacksmith Shop: West Branch, IA
Jesse Hoover, Herbert's father, operated a similar blacksmith from 1871-1879.
Boyhood Home: Newburg, OR
The oldest surviving residence in Newburg, Herbert lived here from 1885-1889. It is called "Hoover-Minthorn House".
Home: Washington, D.C.
In 1920, while he was serving as Secretary of Commerce, Herbert rented this house.
"Summer White House": Rapidan Camp, VA
Herbert Hoover stayed here in the summer.
Library, Museum, and Grave: West Branch, IA
This Library contains works by or on Herbert Hoover. The Museum contains many exhibits on Herbert and Lou Hoover. He died of old age in 1964, at age 90. Only John Adams, (aged 93), Gerald Ford, (aged 93), and Ronald Reagan (aged 93), have lived longer.