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- Presidential Grave List
- 1) George Washington*
- 2) John Adams*
- 3) Thomas Jefferson*
- 4) James Madison*
- 5) James Monroe*
- 6) John Quincy Adams*
- 7) Andrew Jackson
- 8) Martin Van Buren*
- 9) William Henry Harrison
- 10) John Tyler*
- 11) James K. Polk
- 12) Zachary Taylor
- 13) Millard Fillmore*
- 14) Franklin Pierce*
- 15) James Buchanan*
- 16) Abraham Lincoln
- 17) Andrew Johnson
- 18) Ulysses S. Grant*
- 19) Rutherford B. Hayes
- 20) James A. Garfield
- 21) Chester A. Arthur*
- 22) Grover Cleveland*
- 23) Benjamin Harrison
- 24) Grover Cleveland*
- 25) William McKinley
- 26) Theodore Roosevelt*
- 27) William Howard Taft*
- 28) Woodrow Wilson*
- 29) Warren G. Harding
- 30) Calvin Coolidge*
- 31) Herbert Hoover
- 32) Franklin D. Roosevelt*
- 33) Harry S. Truman
- 34) Dwight D. Eisenhower
- 35) John F. Kennedy*
- 36) Lyndon B. Johnson
- 37) Richard M. Nixon*
- 38) Gerald R. Ford
- 39) Jimmy Carter
- 40) Ronald Reagan*
- 41) George Bush
- 42) Bill Clinton
- 43) George W. Bush
- 44) Barack Obama
- 45) Donald Trump
- 46) Joe Biden
- 47) Donald Trump
- Other Historical People
John F. Kennedy
35th President
1 term
Assassinated while in office
Helped found the Peace Corps
Worked to make sure all people had equal rights
Worked to keep Russian forces out of Cuba
Was President during the Cuban Missal Crisis, a period of high tensions in America
Birthplace: Brookline, MA
Assassination Site: Dallas, TX
Death Site: Dallas, TX
Library and Museum: Boston, MA
Grave: Arlington, VA
The story
Upon entering Arlington, we looked around, and with the help up many signs, found "JFK's" grave. We took many pictures, admired the eternal flame, and then we were off to find Taft.
This sign pointed out his grave.
Sign #2
This pointed out his gravesite.
This was at Arlington, by JFK's grave.
Reflecting light
The light reflected of of this grave, allowing me to get a bad picture, I believe it is Robert F. Kennedy's grave. This is why the Old Guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier must wear glasses.
The Eternal Flame
Lit by Jacqueline Kennedy on Novemeber 24, 1963, (the day of his funeral), it has never gone out since.
The grave
This is JFK's grave.
Wife's grave
This is Jacqueline Kennedy's grave.
JFK's Daughter (Arabella)
Her grave.
Patrick Kennedy's Grave
Patrick Kennedy's grave.
Me by the Grave
This is me and my brothers by the grave.
Dad by the grave
This is my dad by the grave.