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- Presidential Grave List
- 1) George Washington*
- 2) John Adams*
- 3) Thomas Jefferson*
- 4) James Madison*
- 5) James Monroe*
- 6) John Quincy Adams*
- 7) Andrew Jackson
- 8) Martin Van Buren*
- 9) William Henry Harrison
- 10) John Tyler*
- 11) James K. Polk
- 12) Zachary Taylor
- 13) Millard Fillmore*
- 14) Franklin Pierce*
- 15) James Buchanan*
- 16) Abraham Lincoln
- 17) Andrew Johnson
- 18) Ulysses S. Grant*
- 19) Rutherford B. Hayes
- 20) James A. Garfield
- 21) Chester A. Arthur*
- 22) Grover Cleveland*
- 23) Benjamin Harrison
- 24) Grover Cleveland*
- 25) William McKinley
- 26) Theodore Roosevelt*
- 27) William Howard Taft*
- 28) Woodrow Wilson*
- 29) Warren G. Harding
- 30) Calvin Coolidge*
- 31) Herbert Hoover
- 32) Franklin D. Roosevelt*
- 33) Harry S. Truman
- 34) Dwight D. Eisenhower
- 35) John F. Kennedy*
- 36) Lyndon B. Johnson
- 37) Richard M. Nixon*
- 38) Gerald R. Ford
- 39) Jimmy Carter
- 40) Ronald Reagan*
- 41) George Bush
- 42) Bill Clinton
- 43) George W. Bush
- 44) Barack Obama
- 45) Donald Trump
- 46) Joe Biden
- 47) Donald Trump
- Other Historical People
Dwight D. Eisenhower
34th President
2 terms
Ended the Korean War
Was instrumental in the formation of NASA
Worked to make all people equal in the U.S.
Birthplace: Denison, TX
Dwight David Eisenhower, the last President to be born in the 19th Century, was born here on October 14th, 1890.
Boyhood Home: Abilene, KS
Ike lived here from 1898-1946.
Home: Gettysburg, PA
Eisenhower lived here from 1950-1967.
Library, Museum, Memorial, and Gravesite, Abilene, KS
When Ike died in 1969, he was buried in the Eisenhower Center. His son Doud Dwight was interred here in 1966, and Mamie followed a decade later in 1979.